The Pelland Advertising Newsletter
March 18, 2013
Special NCA Conference Newsletter
This is the week! If you own or operate a family campground anywhere in the Northeastern or Mid-Atlantic States, the place to be this Thursday thru Saturday is going to be Sturbridge, Massachusetts for the 49th Annual Northeast Campground Association conference and trade show. There is still time to register at this last minute. You may register through today in time to have your custom registration kit prepared, saving time upon your arrival. If you cannot get to that today, you may also register directly at the conference registration desk at the Host Hotel, in Sturbridge, during the event. On a tight schedule or a tight budget? You may also attend 3 hours of trade show time and an afternoon of seminars on Saturday, March 23rd, for only $60.00. Click here for more information on the Conference, or call the NCA office at (860) 684-6389. We will hope to see you in Sturbridge later this week. Read below for more reasons to attend the conference and to make a mandatory stop at the Pelland Advertising booth!
Meet the Pelland Advertising Creative Staff
Peter Pelland  Charles Davis  Joshua Pelland
Many of you deal with us on a routine basis, but some of our clients have never actually met us. Here is your chance to meet with us face-to-face and to do a little bit of impromptu brainstorming. We can show you our latest work, explain what works for other businesses, and determine what strategies might work best for your business. Peter Pelland will be joined by Charlie Davis and Josh Pelland, with Barbara Pelland joining us to network outside of the formal trade show hours. You will find us at Booth # 17, in the first aisle of the trade show hall.
We typically get a bit swamped at this event. If you would like to reserve a private appointment time outside of the trade show hours, there is currently time available on Thursday evening or Saturday afternoon. Please contact us as soon as possible.
An Exclusive New Product to Be Introduced in Sturbridge:
Scent Encapsulated Rack Cards
A couple years ago, when reading Martin Lindstrom’s Buyology: Truth and Lies About Why We Buy, I was impressed by how we are not utilizing our full sensory perceptions in most buying and selling environments. (Martin Lindstrom went on the endorse Unconventional Wisdom Works, the book that I would co-author with Evanne Schmarder in 2012.) Lindstrom uses the fresh bakery smells in a modern supermarket as an example of how shoppers are primed for buying, and my own visits to the local flagship stores of two major candle retailers helped me to realize the advantages of perceptions beyond the simple sense of sight. We are now hoping to carry this same concept to the next level by adding another sensory dimension to print advertising. Stop by our booth for a hands-on demonstration of how our new scent-encapsulated rack cards could help your campground literature to stand out at camping shows. Some of the scents that can be very effectively used include Buttered Popcorn, Cotton Candy, S’Mores, Pine, Smoke, and Ocean Mist. By adding the second sensory perception of scent, we expect to dramatically increase the effectiveness of at least a portion of your print advertising. Stop by, and let us show you how this concepts works!
You Will Find Us at More Than the Trade Show
In addition to the trade event, Peter Pelland will be participating in the “Social Media Marketing Made Simple” seminar, presented by Corissa St. Laurent of Constant Contact, on Thursday afternoon from 2:30 to 3:30. (Pelland Advertising is a long-time marketing partner of Constant Contact.) You will have an opportunity to sign up for a new Constant Contact account directly at the seminar. If you sign up at the seminar, you will also be entitled to a free website match or a $50.00 discount on the creation of a custom e-mail newsletter template by Pelland Advertising. Peter Pelland will also be presenting “Marketing Outside the Envelope”, the first segment of “The Successful Campground Series” on Friday morning, starting at 10:00 o’clock. Five distinct topics will be quickly covered in the course of 30 minutes: Mailing Services, Negative Social Media Posts, Photography Tips, Facebook Vanity URLs, and A Five Year Old Is Ancient. Those attending this seminar will leave with a wealth of information, as well as exclusive discounts on mailing services through a Pelland Advertising partner company. You really cannot afford not to attend! Finally, Peter Pelland has been invited to make a brief presentation about the story behind the writing of “Unconventional Wisdom Works” during the Massachusetts Association of Campground Owners (MACO) State Association Meeting on Saturday afternoon from 3:15 - 5:15. We hope to see you at as many of these events as you can fit in your schedule!
Get Your Signed Copy Unconventional Wisdom Works
Unconventional Wisdom Works – 25 Marketing Strategies to Build Your Outdoor Recreation Business Today
Unconventional Wisdom Works – 25 Marketing Strategies to Build Your Outdoor Recreation Business Today is now available through a variety of outlets, including,, and all Espresso Book Machine locations. Authored by Peter Pelland and Evanne Schmarder, the book has been widely acclaimed from within the outdoor recreation industry and beyond. If you haven’t already obtained your copy, now is your time to obtain a copy signed by Peter Pelland. You will also save paying the usual shipping fees. A limited number of copies will be available, so be sure to stop by our booth to get yours!
In case those are not enough reasons to attend this week’s NCA Conference, keep in mind that we will be only 1 of 80 leading vendors within the family camping industry. Multiply everything that we have to offer by 80, and you will get a feeling for the number of reasons to attend. Months of preparation have gone into this event, with several outstanding speakers lined up to Inform, Influence & Inspire you at the NCA’s Invigorate 2013. Be there!
Peter Pelland and the Staff at Pelland Advertising
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