The Pelland Advertising Newsletter
May 21, 2013
Special May Newsletter
Greetings to all our clients and subscribers. Josh Pelland here. Some of you have met me around the office or at various conferences, conventions and trade shows over the years. Others may know me as the man behind the phone or keyboard, occasionally confirming that your recent website updates have, indeed, been completed. For those who don’t know me, allow me to briefly introduce myself. I am Peter’s son and I started full-time at Pelland Advertising in 2008, after several years of working for the company on a per-project basis. I have primarily worked as a graphic designer and web developer during this time. Now, with Peter recovering from recent rotator cuff surgery, I am absorbing some administrative duties.Fear not, you remain in good hands! Peter is still around and he’s still the boss. However, he is going to try to take it easy for the sake of his recovery. More on Peter and his surgery below the fold. Business will continue to run smoothly here in the interim. Peter might not be available on the phone at all times, but he’s not an easy man to keep away from his work and I expect him to be back in action sooner rather than later.I'd like to introduce our full staff, including Charles Davis who has been on staff for several years, and more specifically Daniel Dupuis, who just recently joined our team as lead programmer and server administrator.But now, here’s something we hope you’ll really like!
Introducing the newly-launched
The first fully-responsive campground association website in the United States
Vermont Campground Association
When the Vermont Campground Association came to us for a new website, including a mobile-friendly site, we decided to do them one better. Unlike a separate mobile website, this new technology allows a single website to respond to each user device and display the site in the most appropriate form. Responsive sites are flexible and able to adjust, rearrange, and optimize content on a wide range of displays and input devices. Unlike a mobile app, which needs to be downloaded and installed (and then may be rarely used), a responsive site is not limited to any one platform, requiring duplication of expense for Android and Apple devices (with Blackberry, Windows Phone, Firefox OS, Kindle, Nook, and other upcoming mobile devices out of luck). This is a new way of building websites, and it is being quickly embraced both by top developers and savvy clients as a more future-proof, economical and elegant approach of delivering content across the expanding ocean of web capable devices. Using a desktop computer or laptop, you are presented with one version of the site. Using a tablet or smartphone, you are presented with alternate versions that are automatically optimized for the display size and touch-based input. The responsive design is only one of several features that are designed to present the most user-friendly experience possible. In addition to the responsive technology, the database-driven and custom-programmed site includes sophisticated logic that allows users to search for the perfect Vermont campground or state park using map-based markers that respond to user input in real time. Users who prefer text-based search can also narrow their search by region, pre-selected amenities, or other variables. When choosing an individual campground, either from the map-based markers or an alphabetical listing, users are presented with everything they need to influence their decision and plan their vacation, including a photo (or three photos for enhanced listing members), a full list of recreation and amenities, nearby attractions, traffic advisories, generation of custom travel directions, and links to the park’s website, reservations page and e-mail.
Enhanced listing members, in addition to presenting three photos, may also provide links to their Facebook pages and brochure downloads. The new traffic advisories are a particularly useful feature. Since written travel directions become obsolete with online mapping and smartphone GPS apps, members may post either permanent notices regarding routes to avoid or temporary detours that may be required.
The site also includes an interactive version of the 2013 Vermont Campground Association printed directory, using Pelland Advertising’s new Inter-Flip technology. Among other features, the interactive directory includes smooth zooming, search capability, hyperlinks to advertisers, click-tracking through Google Analytics, and simplified social sharing functions. The member interface allows individual campgrounds to enter changes to their listings as frequently as necessary.
All in all, the goal was to create a very robust site behind the scenes that presents a very simple, intuitive, and user-friendly interface that will encourage visitors to camp in Vermont.
Call us today to launch your new responsive website!
Existing sites may also be made responsive.
Like the Vermont Campground Association above, the new mobile versions of the Metras Insurance Agency and Baladerry Inn websites, which just went live within the past couple weeks, are using responsive technology and are mobile friendly companions to their main websites. They present only the most essential content. By default, this content is optimized for view on a tablet (typically the largest mobile device display size); however, the pages are totally responsive and scalable. If you view the pages on a Smartphone, the content is optimized for that display. Turn the phone sideways, and the content is optimized again! (On a desktop or laptop computer, you can see these transitions in real time by reducing the size of your browser window, dragging edge of the window to resize the display width.)Notice that the main website does not even require a link to the new mobile site, due to the device detection that we have in place. If you go to the main URL using a mobile device, you will automatically be presented with the mobile version of the site ... with a link that allows you to view the full content, if desired. There is typically no reason for users to know the mobile URL or for you to have to promote or provide links to that URL. Your one website address will deliver all versions of content!
Baladerry Inn
Baladerry Inn
Metras Insurance
Metras Insurance
Call us today to launch your new responsive website!
Peter Pelland is recovering from rotator cuff surgery.
 Joshua Pelland
Figure 1A: What was wrong with Peter’s shoulder.
As I mentioned above, Peter is taking an undetermined amount of time off from his full-time schedule here at Pelland Advertising. That said, as I write this, now four days after his surgery, Peter is on the phone and writing emails. Nobody expected him to be able to do this already, but it’s hard to keep my father away from the office, and as he likes to say, “I have a high tolerance for pain”. On Thursday, Peter went in for shoulder surgery. They gave him a nerve block and general anesthesia, and he was out 3 or 4 seconds after that. 3 hours later he woke up with 5 arthroscopic incisions. His Doctor told him it was the worst rotator cuff tear he had ever seen. Peter started painkillers to get ahead of the inevitable excruciating pain once the nerve block wore off, which happened around 3:00AM on Friday. On Friday he expressed that this was perhaps the worst pain he had ever encountered, calling it a “Nine” on his personal high tolerance to pain scale. By Saturday he was down to a “Six”, and today he seems even better and has even been working in the office most of the time.The typical outlook for this type of surgery is many weeks of allowing the tendon to reattach to the bone, followed by months of physical therapy. Peter has a long road ahead of him before he has full and pain-free use of his shoulder, but it’s good to see that he appears to be getting over the worst of the pain quickly and it adjusting well to having his right arm in the Binford 2000 of arm slings. He will not be able to drive for some time, and his plans for next ski season include “not skiing in as many crazy woods”.We expected that I would be taking over his office communications for a while, but given his recovery so far and his determination to both return to work and be self-reliant, we think he will be back at his seat at the helm in relatively short order. In the meantime, Charlie, Dan, and I are here to assist you.
Reintroducing Charles Davis.
 Joshua Pelland
Charles “The Saint” Davis

I'd like to reintroduce Charles Davis, who has been with Pelland Advertising since Feb. 2010. Charlie has close to two decades of graphic/web design and likes to learn new web technologies, most recently responsive, mobile friendly web design. Having graduated from Massachusetts College of Art with a BFA in Illustration and is proud to say he put himself through college while working for his father, who has owned and still owns his own business. He is still excited to be working with Pelland Advertising and has learned a great deal and continues adding to the standard of excellence that Pelland Advertising keeps raising on a daily basis.

Welcome to Dan Dupuis, the newest member of our team.
 Joshua Pelland
Dan Dupuis: Programmer Extraordinaire, Lover of Nature
I asked Dan to summarize himself in 5 words or less, and this is what he’s come up with:

Graduating at the start of the technology boom, I was working at small business. The business, much like everyone, needed to become present on the World Wide Web. I offered my help to build a Web presence. Since that time, over a decade ago, I have since progressed with the times keeping current with technology.I enjoy developing engaging features for Websites. These features get the user involved in discovering, through interactiveness, dynamic content, location driven maps, and complex forms. With the pace of the changing Web, I find the reward in learning how things work with the use of Web development.Working with the skilled team of designers at Pelland Advertising, I can focus on building the best data platforms for sites that meet today's technology standards. This means ensuring that our Websites provide and will continue to provide the best the internet offers on the Web.”

Dan has been with us almost 3 months now and he’s already done a lot of great work, including the back end programming and database management for the new site. I’m sure I speak for Charlie and Peter as well when I say we look forward to working with Dan to create many exciting projects in the future, as we all work together to raise the collective bar both for the benefit of our clients and our own professional merits.
Joshua Pelland
Everyone else got photos. Here’s me!
That’s it for this issue of our newsletter. If you like what you have read, please share it with one of your associates. As always, please do not hesitate to contact us to suggest new ways that we may be of service to your business. Thanks!
Josh Pelland and the Staff at Pelland Advertising
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