Pelland Advertising, our two primary product /
service lines are website development and
four-color collateral advertising production.
Our green commitment has consistently led to
ever-greater efficiencies throughout the entire
production process and workflow. All proofing
and printing processes are now digital and done with FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) vendors, printing on paper stocks with post-consumer recycled content, soy-based inks, chemical-free plates, and non-VOC solvents.
By eliminating the use of proofing chemicals and raw materials,
we have also eliminated the environmental costs for the transportation of proofs to and from our clients.
Although our roots were in the design and printing of brochures and rack
cards back in 1980, it is clear that Internet usage has steadily displaced
the consumption of printed materials, a fact which, in itself, is good for
the environment in the long run (despite the environmental concerns
associated with the manufacture, usage, and ultimate disposal of computer
equipment and peripherals). Our company began building commercial websites
in the mid-1990’s. In terms of website development and our overall office
practices, Pelland Advertising’s environmental standards are second to none.
The construction of our new home-based office in 1998 met or exceeded
Advanced Energy Star standards, including geothermal heating and cooling that was fully
operational 10 years before the concept hit the public consciousness. As a
result, our office heating and cooling uses no fossil fuel other than the
small amount of electricity which is required to run the system’s pump,
compressor and blower.
Our offices went “paperless” in 2005, with all accounting and proofing now
done online, eliminating the use of paper and the pollution associated with
transportation. Any paper which must be used in-house, is re-used prior to
shredding. All of our computer equipment and monitors
have been upgraded during this time period, with all equipment now Energy
Star rated. Although all lighting is now LED, our offices
have a “lights out” lighting policy during daytime hours, eliminating even
that reduced amount of energy consumption. Our most recent initiative has
been the installation of 47 photovoltaic panels on our roofs, with a
projected annual power production of 10.298 Megawatts.