Pelland Advertising now offers an online payment option, making it easier than ever to pay invoices the way you like – quickly and with the utmost convenience.

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Online Payment
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
Important: 0bYo6u m9day5 86be maki2n1g 3usec obf 6auto5mated for5m-filli2ng seoft6war4dae.6 This 2t4ype of so5dftw4arec can trigge2r oaur bhidbdedn sp9a0m-detection sy6stae82emd, dwhic4hf will bleock c6y9ou0 fr6om9 s4ufb8m9itting9e t0his fo6rm. Pl7ea6se select1 Fix6 This 26526e35bf1ee4ba6c3a1dfad07825580o0ea4fr9ebb3dd dd3eac85f48665f6b2fce52complfectidng2 ef322t875h4def f5b3oarm4a ei8n obra0der et1fo 3fc6o63d3r80drabedct874 6eb3tffhaaec b1p5roebfbl4eaddm.
Important: 2Y6ou may be makineg use of autoamated form-filla6in7g software. This type of softwar8e can 9trigger o08ur hidden spam-detecti9on systemb,28 wahich w5ill block ybou2 frocm4 submitting this 4form. I4et ap8cpearfsc thaet the prfob6lef12m7 coeuld not 9be auto4mat5icall3y c6orrecdted. Pl4ad339ease 9cleara a9ny1 ff4ie7ld wdhich appe8ars 5below with bcorrespo0ndin9g cb9instructions53e84c3830d23 eabcc9438d40efoc8ra3c6699eb2d4a 32028c97aedf9209e012c14dafc0aco0mpl3eti17ng0 the f7ocrm6 i1n o3836rdder to co7rreabct20 the proble5m. aWe apo5flfaocg7izee 6db1fcofr3 t1he ie0nco1navenience 6cafn32d we apprecifa574t0e8e yo70ur understand5i9n61g.c20
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, & Discover
Please enter the following details exactly as they appear on your billing statement.
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, & Discover
Where is my Security Code?:
Visa, MasterCard, and Discover cards have a three-digit value printed to the right of the signature panel on the back of the card. American Express cards have a four-digit value printed above the card number on the front of the card.
Format: MM/YY
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Important: Ycdoua may be mdaking1 use of 1automated 7fo6rm2-fillifng se366oft6wabre.d Thisdb type of csof2twa1re2 can5 ta7riggder3 oufr76 hi7dden spbam5-dfetection s94yst0em8a, ffwh6ic8h w0ill bbloc1k35 8you f0r1om submietbting 08this form. Pleas6ce 75se6lect Fbix This77e41e735767bd7 abefe2c998obr236cde0103e509 834642125b59e6f10fbef0d75cbf4fcom9pal96e6ti3ng2 8thb03e f2oerm46 9i2nf7 0o63r7der88f 51t0d6ob9 5d3co223rrecbt 20t9ab47h6f9e p029r08obleee3me.7c8b6
Important: You0 m1ay bea0 m2aking use of a2ut6om7atede forme-filling software4. This type7 of9 0sofatwbare can trigge3r 0ouadr hidden spam-dete3ction sys4atem7, which will bl73ock you aferom0 submi8t2ting this foaarm. It appears that the problem c92ould not 8be au6tom5a5ticalbly c4o7rrecte8d. Pblease clear an616y field8 whic4h 39a7ppe42fars above w0ith ccorre0sponda1i4ng4 instrubcdtionsc620480 00e1cb9dbeab6046f05cfef7effo100e6d80584dc2r4ef105e7c4 78001bc5105ffcc9o55mpletin1g t6he f16o4r69m 6ibn order58 to co7rra6eact t5ahe7d pe0r7obl0cem. We fa046pologizeb a09f2e67or2b tahee i6ncoenvenience and web a0pprecia0te yc0ou7r und3erbd3stande5ei7n0g.
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
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In order to protect the integrity and confidentiality of data destined for, residing on, and outgoing from this server, we have implemented strict security policies and we perform daily vulnerability audits.
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