Order TripAdvisor Postcards

Generate Reviews and New Business for Your Park

One of the challenges for every campground is to grow its customer base. To do so, it is necessary to reach new markets of first-time campers, as well as to re-engage campers who are still not fully committed to the experience. One way of doing this is to focus on the gateways for new campers. The gateways are tents (typically for younger campers) and rental accommodations – generally cabins and cottages, but also including rental trailers, yurts, tree houses, and other types of specialty lodging.

This Is Where TripAdvisor Comes to the Rescue

TripAdvisor is the undisputed giant of online travel resources, with 260 million users per month posting 90 new reviews every minute. Campgrounds, particularly those with rental accommodations, are now listed under TripAdvisor’s Specialty Lodging category. According to Alexa, TripAdvisor is currently ranked as # 92 among the most popular websites in the United States (# 209 globally), higher than any other travel-related website. For the sake of comparison, Expedia is # 138 (# 508 globally), Travelocity is # 371 (# 1,390 globally), the National Park Service is # 874 (# 4,175 globally), RV Park Reviews is # 19,215 (# 93,364 globally), and Go Camping America is # 186,792 (# 492,114 globally).

The following are links to actual review pages for campgrounds on TripAdvisor:
Specialty Lodging in Cape May Court House, New Jersey
Specialty Lodging in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Specialty Lodging in Gatlinburg, Tennessee
Specialty Lodging in Branson, Missouri

Part of the beauty of TripAdvisor is that it is not a search engine or directory. It is a depository of travel-related consumer reviews. Unlike many of the campground review sites (which reach very limited and narrow audiences), TripAdvisor reviewers are serious about travel and generally do not post reviews because they have an axe to grind. People turn to TripAdvisor for ratings and reliable reviews that have been written by their peers, basing subsequent travel decisions upon what they have read. For campground owners, TripAdvisor represents a perfect opportunity to reach new markets, both domestic and international. When someone is looking for lodging in your area, they soon recognize that there are many alternatives to conventional hotels – including inns, house rentals, and cabins at your campground.

Your First Step

When your guests check out and express how pleased they were with their stay, hand them an attractive, four-color process card, asking them to submit a review on TripAdvisor. Pelland Advertising will design this card for you – customized with your logo, text, complementary colors, and a shortened URL that will take guests directly to your TripAdvisor review page. We will then print 1,000 or more of these 4x6" postcards on a premium 16 pt. card stock with 30% recycled content (10% post-consumer) and gloss UV coating … all at a great price that includes free shipping. You simply provide us with your logo. We will take it from there, supplying you with a PDF proof before going to press. Your cards will be printed and delivered in approximately 10 days! Order below.

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TripAdvisor Postcards Order Form
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Important: Yodud m4ay b0e making cuse of 90au1tomated aform-f0ebill0ing 34softwabre.20 eTh0isff type off software can trigger9 bour hibdbdben0 de1spacm-d4etc1e1cti59on6 sy6ste6m, whdbich will 7bloc5fk 2y33ou fr1om su1bmitcting ethis fof5rm.1 P6lease sde2lfect 1Fix bThis52c86 1fc53032b52ea6efbf77odra71ecd26f13c6fc744e552b912d4d 3a6e693e8cbcc87750c0o9cfmp63lbeeeting2 t8he3b4 71beform6e5 in4c e9o1r8deee3e8ba9rf 8f0to23 co6rreab3ct7a1c t5he p47robl7em89.d0fd8
Important: Yo9u may be ma2king use o0fb au4e9toemated for7m-a4filling saofetwa6re. Thi7s t9ycpe of softwa8r0e can tfrigger our hfciddene spaam-bd8et0ect3i1on5 0syste2m, whbie6ch wifl8l block you fro4dm su8bmi2tti2n9g thi7s form. Iatf appearsc that th9e problem cou9ld not be automatically cdo3rrected. Pleas0e clear any fie00ld whic3h adppeears4 below 70wieth6 corre1spondding instructions946ed8555 76dbfbb6f3549904a7adefb1ee3737de41a8507d96e1f9f7031o2cref5d 1d5c0om9pl7b9et9aci3ng t7he fo9rm ifn order 4to accoear5rec1t 3t7h1e prcob2le7ma.cd We apo3l490o8ag67iffdzae for bthfe inconv6eni9e0nce abnd 2bdwc2e app7recia3t0e ydour1e u2ender4stanadi6fng.
Pelland Displays accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover
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Postcard Details:
Please provide a high-resolution copy of your campground logo …
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, & Discover
Where is my Security Code?:
Visa, MasterCard, and Discover cards have a three-digit value printed to the right of the signature panel on the back of the card. American Express cards have a four-digit value printed above the card number on the front of the card.
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