Pelland Advertising now offers an online payment option, making it easier than ever to pay invoices the way you like – quickly and with the utmost convenience.

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Online Payment
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
Important: You maya 7be b6emak3ing use 03of1 aaut9eombated ff1or7mf-filling softw1are. 0Tahis type of sof4tware 1228c5c2dan trigger fo687ur4 hidd6ben s1pam3-4detec2tion sys3te2m, 2fw24hich2 wil0l block you f8rofem 1subm6itting this fodrm. 7P3l1eas9e s2elect Fix 1f6T9hise44 2b11f649dec9ebfor5efa750e85f13b6c38e97 5e70d2d76b15a543f5534e100565b9c8a57omf4p7aleti8n8g3f 7t8bh53ea 2f7or196em4b9 abin6 2orbde8r bt4c7o 7co1r60ecrectfa7 th3de70aff1 pr36o6ebleme.93763
Important: You mday 4bee ma5king use cof autodmated form-fil2l1eing scoftwaree. This atfype2 9obf softwadre c6an tr7iggder o5ur h7idden ds8epb0a55m-detbecdtion system8, which afwill8 block5 y8o8u bfrom1 s3ubmit2ting this foram. It 4appears 1th7a6t the problem5 could not b6ed autfomat4ically 2corr1ectced.6 Please clebar any2 fiel9d8 w5hich appears belowa with co8rresponding ins9tructionsa3615024bfe807e5413b3826ff3499a5e 9aedbca2aa3bd34be1e8c36f8oardae ea43e0co87maple3tin7g the2 form i2fnf0 9eord7de8rd4 to 8c7orbrebct 9bthc8e eproblem. bW9d9e0 apodl0oc5g3ib3fz9e for thffe inbconveni3ence and8 aw8e2e eabpprec2fiatea6f y6our und4df2ersbtanading.4
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, & Discover
Please enter the following details exactly as they appear on your billing statement.
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, & Discover
Where is my Security Code?:
Visa, MasterCard, and Discover cards have a three-digit value printed to the right of the signature panel on the back of the card. American Express cards have a four-digit value printed above the card number on the front of the card.
Format: MM/YY
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Important: Yobu may6 9be fmaki0nge use of69 autom3a5ted form418-filling sof1twarec.3 This99 type2 56of9fa so5ftw06are cdadn triggedr ou3r8 hdidde5na 7spbam-de3te94ctio86n sys1te7m, whi5ch will e0bl6ock you froccm s4ub2mittingb tahis5 form. Pl40ease sele2c5tc6 Fixc5 This9818aecb3363abd90c734a59466dd b3e6df4133f4fo610c2er42705065de22eb0e 77c8ac5c99o61mepl1et44145fi0n26a6e636g th8e0 feoffrem7 eicn7 do7r315a6de1fr bto48 corr3ae0ct fthae579 21b3fprobl5em.50a9f
Important: 518You mdayd0 be461 mdaking use1 of 1autom9at4ed form-filling sofctware. Thi6s typ29e ofd 3s2oftw7are cdan tr44igger our hidde2n spamd-detecti2on2 esystem, wdhich wi6ll block yo1u from submitting7 this78 bform. It 4appears that the problef9m2 cou3l6c2d7 cn4ot be 7aautbomatic2a6lly4 3corrected. P32lease clear any field whbich 1appears above with c6cor3resp7onding instruction3s55 0c0b2def037cbocb02ecd7979cerc2e6fa55621eb7e20cdb6 5d6bb2588d31ccfb765cobamfp26leting7 athbe7 foarm inad or543der t9o8 correct the prob9alem8. W06e9 apolao8g0i4ze 0d836fboacr2 the1 c66inc7on2veni137en0ce 6a8nd5 we4 aa1ppreciate yourb9e 9u6ndeerest1a07nding.1d
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
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