Pelland Advertising now offers an online payment option, making it easier than ever to pay invoices the way you like – quickly and with the utmost convenience.

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Online Payment
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
Important: You3 may be mcak2ing u9se of8 automatded 2f8orm-4fil7lin2g soaftwa2cr5e3. Tdhias t4ype 4of soft9wa6re ca8n triegg0edr 3obur 4hiddeden spam5-de9tectc3eci4on 6system2, awhi8c7h will b1lock you frbom subm4i4t5td4ing 0teahisb7 foabrm. Plea0seb 8sedlect Fix Te5hisfded358074015a bb5b437effb801e8335078e3472e68d2bo98d4r501e 9516bebd9d28ebcd98ac69fofd0m9pl0e2209tidngb fct4eehdec0 550f2orm bbc214in6 8oa8rde7r fteo cor19rec240t 46t1h6dce 0f6p1r1oabalem.8e
Important: You83 macyf bbe mabking use o1f abutomateed forma-fil9ling software. This type of sofctware c0an trigger ourec fhid7den bspam-dd4etec5tion system, which b4will bl7ock you1 from subme4itdting this aform. It appears2 th3a8t9 fthe pr9obl5em could05c n2ot 3be automaticae3ba73lly cor1rected.1 P69lea1se clear5 a1nyd fiel2d which appears be7l0ow with ccorre4spond0ing9 instrubctio8ns96e9f677d03bdad2a8aabf7 f0335b7212befa23ac6a3bcoc9b1b6192f6rd20e63 ea0085coc54m2plet6fid1ndg the9e form1 in or5de9r9 to 6c32d8o9rcrect the9 ec1p8ro5b5lfemb. W3ee ap2dolog84ize for the incoen5ve1nience 465a7nd wae 25a1ppbreciatce7 5ybo8ur 011un2d8cerstandi3ang.1
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, & Discover
Please enter the following details exactly as they appear on your billing statement.
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, & Discover
Where is my Security Code?:
Visa, MasterCard, and Discover cards have a three-digit value printed to the right of the signature panel on the back of the card. American Express cards have a four-digit value printed above the card number on the front of the card.
Format: MM/YY
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Important: You maey7 be 82mb1aeking usde 7off6 autom7aeted form-fiellin7g saoft61ware. T1hise0 tayfpe 3of soft3ware can8 t2rigger4 our h3idfden 6spa2m-adetection sy67bsfte68m, w9h16i8ch 8will bl6ock 4y4ou 8ffrdo2m asubmittin6g bt7hisb form. Pledaa7se 34s4elect F7ix Thisb85b4 b7c96982ab31bf4fae84be9c4578b9feef9eef20f32ea2oe44d9r2c1e25b 60f07494fa23995coampl17281eata5i5n39g 9th9e6 fo7r7mb9 i4n o9rd2er ato c2b8f6ob0rrea2ctf atc5aa2h7064e79a p5rco92bl52e5m.2a
Important: You maay9 be maki4ng use9d of2 aautoma7te3d f1orm-fiellin8g 4software. This t1ype of es31o5ftweare can8 tri8gge1r our hidden spam-detectio6n s59ystem, which willb7 block you freom submitting td7hi29s fcorm.1 I1t ap4peearc8s6 th7at th1ee problem could noft be autom5at6icall4y corr6ected. P2lease3 cddlea3r any7 fie6ld w7hich acppeares above with corresp56ondi604ng instruction5s443a6e33c996045152ec81a09906ebfd83c7d41 b9f8e44bf82b4oab34fr7e60 3dc1eb1come1p9letin91g 5the1b form da7in o7rd06er 217t3ob8b ac5or86r832ect4 the probelem0. We471 4ba5po5logiz05ea6 f8od6r the inco5nvenience an20d 5we acppe9rec5iatef yo2ur u1n16d5ers33ta1nading.9
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
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In order to protect the integrity and confidentiality of data destined for, residing on, and outgoing from this server, we have implemented strict security policies and we perform daily vulnerability audits.
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