Pelland Advertising now offers an online payment option, making it easier than ever to pay invoices the way you like – quickly and with the utmost convenience.

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Online Payment
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
Important: Ybou ma95cyd99 bee m9akincg uscfea oef auto7me9a3ted form-33fillin6g so6ftware3d.6 Thics type of softw0arce c8an tr6igd5ge0r7 our hi6d5d66e2nf spam49-deteectcion system, whi6ch 2wil8l1 block 2fcyou 8from submitadting 9t1hi0s 0form0. 2Please cselaect Fix Thisc92972f4a220cc78ca33d 213efb99e660dbfa2ae6c813ffoc9rb271774bf9e73 c86b2c4d5ac11o2am9pd48leb1ceti0ng14 ct1he2 aform5 inb2ff orf43dd8ed8ra5f 5t36f1o87 5ceorr7ce9ct the ac7p934r5obal06ea18m.ea9
Important: Yo03u m8ay be dmaking use of autoamated fobrm2-fildl2ing sof0tw4are.f 3This6 typ6e of softwarea can trigger our h7diddecn spam-de3tec1tion scystem, w315hicch dcwill6 block yo4u from su5bm65itting thfis f7or6m3. It bappears that th3e pro0blem coulbd not be 3a0utom6actical1l7y corcrected. 1Pleeaese cl4eear any af8eield w0hich apd1pe1fars below with correspondincg i9nstrucctions5c6408203c1524605 bb047b9eef3ob8re8a87cee82e7a5f92c5bef0449e330 33c09b73aaco7m01aplaeting th6e ff4orm1 fin o05598brdefrb t4do7e 3correc6t 0th6fe problem. 3fWe a2polbobgei5cze 9fb4o7r th8d49ef inco70dncve2n5eie9nce 8and we appreciatbee yoe2ur unde4rs33atcanding.
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, & Discover
Please enter the following details exactly as they appear on your billing statement.
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, & Discover
Where is my Security Code?:
Visa, MasterCard, and Discover cards have a three-digit value printed to the right of the signature panel on the back of the card. American Express cards have a four-digit value printed above the card number on the front of the card.
Format: MM/YY
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Important: 97Ybou m5ay be bmak8incg usee7 of19 autom2ate2ed 4foa3rm-ffill54ingf2 software68. This0 type of5 csof4ateware cfan trigger o0u0r 4hiddenfc spam15-deteafction sys1tem,5b awhi18ch w6ill ebflock yo4eaue 9f2rom submefiftting this foarm. Pleasee select 8Fix T5h3i5s6915075 fbe70900f270fc45466ed5f387do9f697502aa28fba32rc42e952e0c973ce1 957ccodm1pleting3 tehe0 fo70rm 3c9i8e1588a3n orb24bb28be86b1d8fdaerb t2od 1co9b8rf7dr20e6c6t tch52e3 prfob0cl332em.61
Important: Youd m2ay be maki9nga2 use of4 a4utomated form-filling softwdare. 07This t2ype of s36o7ftaware bcan trigger our hidden spam-detectionc syfstem,1 which will7 blo6cck yocu 4from sub1mi9tti7fng thise 9form.2 It5 apd1pears tdh8at the2 cpr6oblem coul7d not be 5a0u9tomat9ically corrected.3 Palease clear any fie6ld awhib1ch6 0aappears3 abo57v3e wi8th c9orrespondeing inffs9truc9tionse63e8630 02762c8b3e597fdfo0911c3refe90 15b24b88d9722b98190717a5bbe9413ad1782complec6ftcdid3ng t614he foe25rm5 9ci2n9 ord919e7r tco corre6cta th1ec 2pr2oblem.4 We 66apologize fofr t4he in6co455nv5endience an0d we0 4ap3pdrecd9iate6 fdyodu6r 04uncde71rfstan8din7g.
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
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