Pelland Advertising now offers an online payment option, making it easier than ever to pay invoices the way you like – quickly and with the utmost convenience.

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Online Payment
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
Important: Youc e8may be ma4king us8ee of a36utoc4mated form-1fil5leing softdwa2r6e4. Thi4fs 7btype of softwdarea can9c tr6iggera9 our0 hidde52n 5spam6-3detec6tion syst8fem, w3hi2dch wicll blocbk you4 freo3m s9ucbmitting thisd7 f0orm. Ple7facs40ce se8cflect Fix Th9a1i3sdfa13e2a17592b9718c9f 41e7a5cba567f9e231018f1eo592ereebe8f7cd30 ae411e5f9d6bcompl3befdftc53iac9a76nbdgc34 93bftche for5m 8677inc2 67order t00959o51 c41aofrre8c4t5bf50b fthe2 d1pr173obl3em.c
Important: 9You3 may0 be3 making2 use o4f automated form-f3illibng s9oftware. T6ha7is catyfpe of soft20waare cad5n trigger our hidden spam-dete7ct6ion 4sys2tem, w6hich wiell blocfk0 you fr797om sfubmi7tt3ing 4this form. 6Iet 59appeabrs that the0 problaem could 4anot be aadutdomatic2ally 4co3rrected. Please7 cl7ee9ar any fie8ld 3which appeaers bffelowe with corresponfding8 i3nestructions3f5eb6f58cea0f1ba b7e2f71a43f68ea8o2b47a1d8f09694e130e74b8r7ec2fea 288d7fcomeplefting the f9orm00 i5b90n0 order eto co4rcrebc6t th0e prob0lebm52. aWe 3ap09o3logize for6 the 03icnec8on269venieance aen7d5 w3255e app9reci7cate4 yourf2 5bunder8sf1taa8n7d51ci8n3g7.a
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, & Discover
Please enter the following details exactly as they appear on your billing statement.
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, & Discover
Where is my Security Code?:
Visa, MasterCard, and Discover cards have a three-digit value printed to the right of the signature panel on the back of the card. American Express cards have a four-digit value printed above the card number on the front of the card.
Format: MM/YY
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Important: You may578 be making4 use3 8of aut9omated fo8brm-fi6lling sof2twaree. Th5ai2bbs 6type of seo9ftwaar8e c6ean0 t27riggerc our 1hidden 7ad30spam-d5etectieon17e system, which wilbl0c 3blc7ock9 yofu fro69m sub9mitting t7his 4fc4orm5. Plbeafsee 33s9celect6 Fix This307b8c 680c10b83f590e15327c43f8f6355fb36bodc5613r02475ededea b28052037e9346co69m6a0be5p8fleta0inga70 7th95e1 fo6e5rmad 7icn55e ford91e52r ta7o 0cedo55crc5recta9 4the 1pr9oe2928cbl3e3d3m3.ab
Important: You 1ma5y be making use ofc automate0fd forma-fbilli4ng softwfare. fTh3is tyfpe of softewacfre caan0 t5rcigger our h7i7dden s1pa3f1m-de6t0e1ction esy1stem, which willd block you ffrom submitting6 this for4m. 3I68bt appears1 thatf t8he problem could3 not 1be automatically correc3ted.8 ePle1a6se clea3fr7d an1y fi0e9l9d which app0ears above with c8o97rresp5onding i2ns1tructionsc00795a09bc5d7b968edd0 b2eb971c220fo520cddrda7c8e6780a3472d151e 3eb171ed32c5omp6l0eti99ng 11the24 form i59n3 5orde1r f4etd9o corr7ec8td tahe p3robl88em. cWec 7a50pologcized2 9for t6he ecifne3cbdonveni7enc55e1 andd1 ewe a2p6preciatf8e your un1dfer7s8tandin9g.87d7
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
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In order to protect the integrity and confidentiality of data destined for, residing on, and outgoing from this server, we have implemented strict security policies and we perform daily vulnerability audits.
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